How To Avoid Low Amniotic Fluid Levels From Day One Of Pregnancy?

Posted By: Gowsalya Manivel In: Parenting On: Comment: 0 Hit: 4273

How To Avoid Low Amniotic Fluid Levels From Day One Of Pregnancy?

Do I have enough amniotic fluid to nourish my unborn baby? How to increase its volume during my pregnancy? 

This bothersome self-doubt of a pregnant woman may end in sleepless nights. The increasing anxiety levels of a troubled mind will also result in a joyless pregnancy journey. It is common for women today to acquaint themselves with pregnancy-related problems and solutions. 

According to a study, one in four pregnant women has a low amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios) condition. Many reasons can be the cause, and it can be at any time of your pregnancy days. 

Before all, let us know.

What Is Amniotic Fluid?

About 12 days after you get conceived, the amniotic sac forms first, and amniotic fluid fills the sac. The baby starts to develop inside the sac, floating in that fluid. It is crucial for your baby's healthy development. It does many wonders like:

  • It safeguards the baby from external vibrations and shock.
  • Maintain a steady temperature.
  • It prevents squeezing of the umbilical cord, which supplies the nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.
  • Development of lungs, digestive system, muscles, and bones. 

During early gestation, like up to 14 weeks, this fluid is formed from the mother. About 20 weeks, the developing fetus will consume the fluid, swallow it, and excrete it as urine. This cycle continues, and the fluid level will increase up to 36 weeks. At this point, the total volume will be 400 ml. The fluid's composition by this time will be the fetus's urine.

Amniotic fluid is 98 percent water and electrolytes. The other 2 percent is lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and hormones. 

So, putting it in simple words, fluid balance means a lot in pregnancy. Mother’s dehydration may influence the amniotic fluid level negatively.

One simple Tip that swipes your worries is staying hydrated!

A study says drinking enough liquids will increase the volume of amniotic fluid. Hydration helps both baby and mother from complications like preterm delivery and developmental issues.

As discussed earlier, at early stages, the amniotic fluid formation is from the mother, and it has to be adequate for the fetus to grow. The later stage fluid volume represents the baby's healthy organ development, especially kidneys to excrete urine. 

So, now you may get the point of drinking enough water when carrying a baby.

The summer has started, if you are a pregnant woman, consider taking extra liters than the average person does.

Home remedies to level up the liquid intake!

  • Drink at least 8-12 glasses of water every day. Water reminder apps and measuring containers may help you achieve your daily water intake goals.

  • If plain water is boring, try Infused water. Add your favorite flavors infused in water like mint, lemon, cucumber, and oranges.

  •  Add high water content veggies and fruits in your daily diet like watermelon, cucumber, cabbages, tomatoes.

  •  Include dietary fibers in your meals.

  •  Try some healthy soups.

  • Tender coconut water has water and electrolytes, it is best to replenish the lost fluids. 

Do check this post for more information.


  •  Buttermilk, milk, and Lassi.

  • Oral rehydration solution.

 (Only under doctor's prescription).

  • Fresh fruit juices.

Avoid caffeinated drinks as it will increase the frequency of urination in pregnancy. Also, it has the risks of increasing blood pressure and heart rate.

How much and How should I drink during pregnancy?

1. Drink water frequently until your urine turns pale and colorless. However, there is no limit on water consumption because everyone's body and requirements are different.

2. Drink water sip by sip. You can sip water throughout the day instead of standing and gulping large quantities at once.

3. Do not hesitate to visit bathrooms often despite your tiredness.

4. Drink extra glasses if you have

  •  any workouts/ physical activities

  •  outdoor visits

  •  been in a hot climate or high altitudes

  •  travel by plane

  •  any fluid loss like sweating and vomiting

  •  thirst, dried lips, and skin.

Vomiting and nausea are usual. If you feel like vomiting after drinking water, consider taking liquids in sips to balance the fluid loss. Always carry a water bottle wherever you go and have frequent sipping.

Get notified with these signs!


Low amniotic fluid will caution you with signals.

  • You may not observe frequent baby movements in the uterus.

  •  The baby's growth is slow (with ultrasound scans, the development and the gestation may differ, only your gynae can guide through this).

  •  Your belly may look small for the actual gestation stage.

  •  Poor weight gaining of the baby.

  •  Fluids leak through the vagina.

 So, it is advisable to have frequent visits to your gynecologists and speak with them if you encounter any health problems.

The possibility of Normal delivery of a baby!

Drinking plenty of water during pregnancy will boost the amniotic fluid level, thus leading to vaginal delivery.

 If oligohydramnios (i.e amniotic fluid level is less than the required amount) happens in the last few weeks, 36-38 weeks, your doctor may go with vaginal birth or c-section. It depends on considering factors like the baby's heart rate, baby position, mother's blood pressure, and Amniotic Fluid Index.

Most doctors consider c-sections to avoid health risks of the baby and the mother. 


Staying hydrated is important in summer. But, it means a lot when you carry a baby. Amniotic fluid is a protective environment in which a baby develops. So, only with adequate amniotic fluid in the uterus, you deliver a rosy-cheeked baby. Do not ignore drinking liquids and balancing the fluids to nourish your loved unborn baby.

If you're in your trimesters, it's better not to panic about the fluid volumes. The low Amniotic Fluid Index  is manageable, and still, you can deliver a healthy baby. But, do not miss to stay hydrated.

All you have to do is drink more water, beat the summer, and have a happy pregnant hood.

Do not forget to read the below post for more tips to stay hydrated throughout pregnancy .







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