The Seventh Month - First Month Of The Third Trimester Of Pregnancy

Posted By: Abhipsa HunyHuny In: Maternity Tips On: Comment: 0 Hit: 3758

Greetings Dear Reader!

It’s lovely to see you again!!

The seventh month- that means, now you finally enter the grand finale of pregnancy!! So, HunyHuny sincerely extends our warmest congratulations for the completion of your two milestones and reaching your last final milestone of the pregnancy i.e., your third trimester. We have already mentioned in our previous 6th-month blog, but we are still going to reprise this very important information. Every pregnancy is special, even one’s second pregnancy varies from her first pregnancy. Similarly, some of our would-to-be-moms might suffer from the listed symptoms or might not be and it is even possible that some might not suffer from these at all or experience something different. The symptoms we listed here are the generic symptoms. It's only to have a fundamental view about the pregnancy. So, don’t worry if your experience gets different from the mentioned indicators, but please connect with your doctor when your experience gets to the extreme side.

 You have come a long way to meet your miracle, now you only have three months to go!! You can do it!!

So, without any more of these diverted paths, let’s start our detailed development of your peanut and yourself during the seventh month i.e., week 27-30 of your pregnancy.

WEEK 27:

Baby’s Development:

By this week starting, our baby starts sucking their thumb, which assists in the strengthening of the jaw muscles and cheeks. Our baby also begins to hiccups more often as the food pipe is filled with the amniotic fluid. This is also the reason why we could not hear any sound during such hiccups. Her eyelids are also complete in its formation while forming small cracks which indicates that she might soon completely open her tiny miny cute eyes. 

Mom’s Body Development:

You will be going to have a significant change this week and that will be ‘Snissing’. It is a term used to describe the condition where a small amount of urine releases while sneezing. This is common for all pregnant lady and as our baby puts a lot of pressure on the bladder, urine discharge needs to be done more frequently. As our body enters the third trimester, both your and your baby’s body begin its preparation for childbirth.

WEEK 28:

Baby’s Development:

This week of the seventh month is important for our baby’s eye development as for the first time in her life our baby is now capable of opening and closing the eyelids. With the eyelid’s development, the irises also start to show color. This is not the final color as it changes after birth which persists until six months or a year. She also starts dreaming about this week. And finally,  at the end of this week, her lungs are also reaching its complete development as they begin to develop branches.

Mom’s Body Development:

This week marks the end of your seventh month of pregnancy. There are not many new developments this week, the same old symptoms continue to like the intense and frequent contraction, expansion of baby bump, etc. except your breast which begins producing your baby’s first food- a yellowish liquid called colostrum which might even leak in the coming weeks. 

WEEK 29:

Baby’s development:

Our baby’s eye becomes more developed, she can begin reacting to various sources and types of light through our uterine walls. Her kicks also become more intense. While she grows in size, her movement becomes more active. The brain part which is responsible for personality development and intelligence begins to complex and developed. And at the end of this week, our baby finally starts to display a pattern in reaction towards different food, light, and sounds.

Mom’s body development:

You might feel your blood sugar level decreasing as your baby is growing significantly which requires tons of energy. From this month onward you might also start to notice signs of premature labor. You might be going to see the discharge of a watery pinkish or brownish liquid along with the thick, viscous mucus plug. Oh, yes be mindful while walking as you might experience a lack of control, of balance because of hormonal imbalance and weight gain.

WEEK 30:

Baby’s development:

At this point, our baby grows at a high-speed almost gaining half a pound each week. As the weight increases, more fat deposits beneath the skin giving her a more life-like look to the skin. Now as all the important body organs are completely developed, she starts paddling to shield and insulate the organs. 

Mom’s body development:

Same as your baby, you will also gain weight at a speed by almost one pound every week. As your baby grows in size, the uterus will put more pressure on the ribs and the abdomen. The general discomfort because of cramps, backaches, and trouble sleeping might become more intense by the day. Body swelling, shortness of breath, and heartburn will continue to follow throughout this week.

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Advice For The Seventh Month Of Pregnancy:

  • Consult your doctor to perform a blood test at the beginning of the seventh month which is essential to detect gestational diabetes.
  • Avoid raw food and unpasteurized milk to prevent infection.
  • To minimize any complication which might arise during childbirth, do regular tests for UTIs and other infections.
  • Please be extra cautious while doing even the simplest of daily activities such as walking, standing up, and peeing.
  • Spouses of the pregnant mom should show compassion and love, which ultimately help the mom deal with emotional and physical distress.
  • IMMEDIATELY VISIT YOUR DOCTOR, if anything seems ABNORMAL OR HURTS MORE than it is supposed to.
  • It will be better if you can keep a record of the kicks made by your baby as it helps the doctor to learn about the baby movement.
  • Couples can also go for an ultrasound at the end of the seventh month just to be sure about the position and development of your baby.
  • Avoid overeating, eat moderately to check excess weight gain.

Foods To Eat During The Seventh Month Of Pregnancy:

As your body touches the third trimester of your pregnancy. Both your body as well as your baby’s body develops at full speed. So, to make sure that all development progress is just fine, you need an additional 450 calories and to stick to a healthy diet. Include the below foods on your ongoing pregnancy diet, which are listed to meet all the required nutrition at this stage. 

Food Rich In Iron And Protein:

As your body is now supplying blood for both you and your baby, Iron-rich food in your diet is a must as it helps in generating more blood and prevent anemia and hemorrhage during pregnancy. It also prevents premature delivery. Some of its sources are dark green vegetables, raisins, apricots, pumpkin and sesame seeds, soya beans, red meat, and poultry.

Proteins are important for the healthy growth of the baby, as it is known as the building block of cells. Eggs, meat, lentils, chickpeas, pulses, and dairy products are some of the examples of protein-rich foods.

Magnesium Rich Food:

Magnesium plays a vital role in alleviating leg cramps, relaxing muscles, and preventing premature delivery. So, do remember to include these foods like black beans, oat bran, barley, artichoke, almonds, and pumpkin seeds.

Foods Rich In DHA:

DHA is very crucial for the baby’s healthy brain development. Include foods that are loaded with DHA, if you want a child with brains and brawns then don’t miss on fish oil, tuna, walnuts, and flax seeds.

Vitamin C:

Daily intake of Vitamin C helps in the proper absorption of iron during pregnancy. It also helps you to glow. Some rich sources of Vitamin C are lemons, oranges, melons, green pepper, and broccoli.

Foods To Avoid In The Seventh Month Of Pregnancy:

Bear in mind it is equally essential to know about food which you have to avoid during this period. Some food will worsen your issues like heartburn, fatigue, swollen feet and hand, and constipation. So, it is wise to eliminate them from your pregnancy diet.

Spicy And Fatty Foods:

These types of foods will increase your discomfort of heartburn and may hinder your sleep. Forget the samosas and golgappas for few more days.

Foods High In Sodium:

Sodium is important for the body but it is essential to keep a check on the intake of sodium in this period. A high concentration of sodium results in swelling and bloating. Avoid salt and salty foods as much as you can. Remember to drink plenty of fluids and water as it will not only help you to remain hydrated it also regulate sodium levels in your body.

Caffeine And Fizzy Beverages:

It is better to avoid these drinks as it leads to constipation. Fizzy drinks are a big NO, but if you want to drink coffee or tea, restrict them to just one cup a day.

Junk Food:

Yeah, we know these craving of junk foods like fried chicken or burger, but as you are now pregnant, it will be wise to avoid them completely during your pregnancy. Replace them with homemade snacks like sandwiches, upma, dhokla, etc.

That’s it, moms! I hope it helps!

Here ends our seventh-month detailed development of your baby and yourself. So, let us congratulate you once again for the completion of the second trimester and reaching the third trimester of pregnancy. You both have come a long way and just two months to wait for that magical union moment.

Wish you luck!

If this blog helps in any way, please give it a thumbs up which greatly motivates us to provide you with more amazing information. Do share this with your comrades. And for the upcoming 8th month of pregnancy details, stay tuned and follow us.

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