What Should You Know About Labor And Delivery !!!! What Happens In The Hospital ?

Posted By: Abhipsa HunyHuny In: Maternity Tips On: Comment: 0 Hit: 3800

Bonjour my lovely readers!!! 

After your hospital bag packing, I am sure you all will be eagerly waiting to welcome your little peanut to the world. And you will be in a roller-coaster feeling of a mixture of excitement, anticipation, anxiety, and as well as fear. And that’s natural. I know this because I already traveled this same path. To reduce the negative feeling from that mixture to some extent, today HunyHuny has come up with exclusive insight about the labor and delivery. So, that you, my dears, will get the basic idea before on how your stay in the hospital will be? What will happen during labor and delivery? 

So, without any further delay, let’s ‘Suru’ oh! Sorry, means get started…

The first and foremost important thing never ever watch any video in the internet about baby birth, delivery, labor, etc. It's not necessary whatever you watch will happen with you also, it will scare you so, it's better to avoid it.

Signs of labor

signs of labor

If I want to describe labor in one word, that will be ‘OUCH’. It is the process of childbirth, initiates with contractions of your uterus, and ends with the popping of your baby. 

If you have gone through our ninth month of pregnancy blog, then you have known there are false signs of labor too. If you didn’t, then please go on. I am sure that will be of your help. Anyway, there are signs for you to know for sure that you are in labor. 

  • Your contractions become pretty consistent, more painful, and longer as time goes on. 
  • Your joints feel looser.
  • You will lose your mucus plug. 
  • Your vaginal discharge changes color and consistency.
  • Labor contractions don’t go away even you change positions.
  • Your water breaks.

Note: If you think you are going into labor or having doubts about it, without feeling embarrassed or worry, check in with your doctor immediately.

Stages of labor

Unless you chose the C-section, you will go through labor, the first stage of childbirth. It is divided into three phases; early, active, and transitional labor.

Phase 1: Early or Latent Labor

It is the longest and least intense phase. This often goes unnoticed or bothersome contractions. Here, your cervix will open to 3 centimeters and thin out. You will feel mild to moderate contractions that last 30-45 seconds. They might be spaced around 20 minutes apart. If you are dilating gradually over a period of days or weeks by doing pregnancy exercise, you may not feel them at all until labor starts in earnest. 

Phase 2: Active Labor

This is the second stage. The labor usually lasts from 2-3 hours. Your cervix will dilate to 7 centimeters. This phase will be more painful, as contractions will grow more concentrated and more intense. This phase is also known for increasing the bloody show. 

As there will be fewer breaks in the action, you will have less opportunity to rest between contractions. Emotionally, you might feel restless with difficulty to relax. Whatever will be your feeling, know that they are normal. You just have started getting ‘active’. It’s all about your comfort now, so;

  • Don’t hesitate to ask for help with anything. Be it for a back rub, ice cubes to suck on, or a washcloth to cool your face.
  • Start your breathing exercises as soon as contractions become too strong to talk through.
  • Ask for an epidural, if the pain goes beyond your resisting limit. Or you have low pain tolerance. As it can be given as soon as you feel you need it.
  • Use relaxation techniques if you can, to relax between contractions.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Walk around a bit or change position if you can.
  • Continue to urinate regularly. As full bladder will keep you from making pelvic pressure. 

Phase 3: Transitional or Advanced Labor

This is the last as well as the most intense phase. Your cervix will dilate from 7 to its final 10 centimeters. Thankfully, it is also the shortest contraction tenure, lasting from 15 minutes to an hour. In some cases, it can sometimes take up to 3 hours too. Your contractions will become very strong and 60-90 seconds long.  You will feel very intense peaks that last for most of the contractions. By the end of this phase, your cervix will be fully dilated and it will be show time-begin pushing your baby out. 

What will happen during labor in the hospital?

  • Your doctor might not see you now. In some hospitals, you may not see a doctor until you are ready to push.
  • You might get an IV.
  • If you are going with epidurals, then be ready for catheters too.
  • You can’t control the poo. It might sound gross and embarrassing, but most women do poop during labor. So, don’t worry and leave that for a labor room pro, who will clean it up with some gauze or a clean towel.
  • You might vomit too, so don’t shy about anything, this happens with everyone.
  • There’s no way to predict the pain as every pregnancy is unique.
  • You will deliver more than your baby. Yes, if you think your work is done once your baby has arrived, then let me tell you, dear, you are wrong! You still have to deliver the placenta. And yes, you can see your placenta too, if you want.

The Final Show- Delivery

There are two main options available for the childbirth- the Vaginal delivery and Cesarean Section (C-section).

Giving birth by Vaginal Delivery

If you planning to have A VAGINAL BIRTH, here is what you can expect during the delivery.

Here in this vaginal birth only, you will be going through the labor. After the third phase of labor i.e., after your cervix is 10 centimeters dilated, it turns to push your baby through the rest of the way of the birth canal. If you are wondering; does pushing hurt more than contractions? Worry not, most women actually find that transitional labor is the most demanding and intense phase of labor and that was for me too. While pushing, you will feel a tingling, stretching, or burning sensation. 

Even after your baby arrives, you will continue to have mild contractions as your body going to deliver your baby’s placenta. That will be the end of your delivery process and the doctor will examine the placenta as well as your uterus to be sure everything is as expected.  

Giving birth by C-section

If you beforehand decided or due to some complication ends up requiring a C-section. Here is what you can expect.

First, let’s know- what is a C-section? It is the surgical delivery of your baby through cuts in the abdomen and uterus. Following are the few factors that might demand a C-section;

  • Certain medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, or kidney disease that makes vaginal delivery dangerous.
  • Infections
  • Your baby’s health
  • A large baby
  • Your weight and age
  • Baby position in the belly
  • Carrying multiples (triplet or quadruplet)
  • Placenta problems
  • Other complications
  • You already had C-section

Here are a few of most common reasons for unplanned C-section

  • If your labor can’t seem to get moving in the first place. That means your cervix isn’t dilating even though you are having contractions.
  • Your dilation gets halt after 3 centimeters dilation or your baby’s head is too big to fit through your pelvis.
  • If you become too exhausted to push your baby out.
  • If the umbilical cord comes into the birth canal before the baby does, it will be compressed as your little one comes through. This could cut off her oxygen supply.
  • If your uterus tears.

How long does a C-Section take?

  • It is a quick procedure. It lasts 10 minutes or less, followed by another 30 minutes to stitch you back up.
  • Worry not your husband will be there with you in the labor room to support and encourage you.
  • After the delivery, a complete medical check-up of your baby will be done by the pediatrician and your peanut will be in your arms.

"The power and intensity of your contractions cannot be stronger than you, because it is you".

We hope, now you will have the basic image of all the events that will occur during your labor and delivery in a hospital or nursing home. 

If this blog helps you even a tiny bit, do like us and share it with all your friends and family who are in their third trimester of pregnancy. If you have any queries or want to know about something else, write it below in the comment box. More informative blogs are coming soon, so stay tuned and follow us.

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