First Month Of Pregnancy : Week 1-4

Posted By: Abhipsa HunyHuny In: Maternity Tips On: Comment: 0 Hit: 6197


How are you? (I hope all of your answers will be ‘I am fine’)

Okay, but before we start, first of all ‘Congratulations on being pregnant!’

The first trimester is the vital time of pregnancy journey, here our body is busy making arrangements to develop a NEW LIFE! Can you imagine! It’s an overwhelming feeling (at least it is for me). Being a mom of one myself, there is no other best feeling when I knew my bundle of joy is on her way to me. But here I faced a problem- I detected my pregnancy very late, of course, it didn’t affect my baby’s growth in my case (I was lucky) but it can’t be the same for some (we can’t deny the possibilities). So, for my comrade who may face the same problem, here are the early pregnancy symptoms (got from my doctor) to find out whether you are pregnant:

  • You are late (period)
  • You are feeling extreme fatigue
  • You are visiting washroom (wee) more
  • Feeling nausea 
  • A yen for sour foods 
  • Having a metallic taste in your mouth
  • Smell sensitivity
  • Sore or tender breast (mine was sore, it was really painful)

If you observe one or more of these symptoms, you might be pregnant. It is better to take a pregnancy test. Oh! Yes, please remember, never depend upon the pregnancy kit which we buy from the market. No, Obviously I am not saying that the market’s pregnancy kits are not trustworthy but it's a good idea to confirm your pregnancy in the hospital test too as pregnancy kit sometimes can’t properly detect our pregnancy hormone (be it at a low level or pregnancy kit would be malfunctioning).

After resolving our ‘whether pregnant doubt’ let’s know about our first month of the first trimester of pregnancy…

What is the first trimester? It is the first three months of pregnancy that means 12 weeks. It kicks off on the first day of your last period and continues until the end of week 12. That means when we know for sure about our pregnancy, we have already crossed five or six weeks of the milestone. 

This is the trimester where our baby grows faster than at any other time.  And I am sure you will be fascinated to know your baby’s growth in this phase as well as yours (because I surely was). So, here is the detailed development in the first month of the first trimester:

pregnancy week


Baby’s development:

  • The first week of pregnancy is actually initiated immediately after conception where sperm penetrates an ovum but as that was very difficult to determine so, it is calculated from the first day of your last menstrual period.
  • After 24-36 hours, the fertilized egg undergoes multiple divisions to form a 16-celled stage known as a morula.
  • Next blastulation takes. Here while cells continue to divide, a hole forms within the cell mass, then the cells are arranged in the form of a single-layered hollow ball.
  • It starts its journey to reach the uterus from the fallopian tube.
  • By the end of the first week, the blastocyte maintains its division while continuing its journey. At this stage the blastocyte now known as an embryo.

Mom’s body changes:

  • Here your uterus mainly undergoes changes. Its outmost layer (endometrium) thickens in order to receive the embryo and make it ready for its implantation.
  • You will mostly feel natural except some tiredness, weakness, and dizziness which are mainly due to hormonal changes our body is going on.
  • You may also suffer from some emotional changes(mood swings).


  • It is advised to visit a gynecologist or an obstetrician for learning about the necessary changes in lifestyle to safeguard a healthy pregnancy and baby.
  • You should be extra careful during the first few weeks of pregnancy as chances of miscarriage is usually pretty high at this stage.


Baby’s development:

  • The major event is this stage is the embryo implantation onto the outer layer of the uterus.
  • Just before the attachment, the blastocyte breaks its outer protective covering to make sure the exchange of hormones between the embryo and outer layer of the uterus to ensure its proper attachment.
  • In the meantime, the cervix (opening between uterus and birth canal) is blocked by thickening and collection of mucus.

Mom’s body changes:

  • After completion of implantation, you will realize the missed period, which is the most typical sign of pregnancy.
  • You might notice slight bleeding (spotting) during the implantation (breakage of the outer layer).
  • You might suffer from discomfort as the body tries to get used to the hormonal alterations.


  • Proper and nutritional diet is very important for successful implantation which is an essential step to ensure pregnancy.
  • It's recommended maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle with custom-made pregnancy yoga which also ensures successful implantation only after doctors consult.
  • If there is excessive and painful bleeding, reach out to your doctor immediately.


Baby’s development:

  • This week signifies the starting of the embryonic stage of pregnancy.
  • Rapid but the coordinated movement of cells begins to take place.
  • Cells divide and convert into three layers to form different tissues and organs in the body. 
  • The first layer forms nervous tissue and development starts to make the base of the central nervous system.
  • The first functional organ- the heart begins to form in this week.

Mom’s body changes:

  • You might start to show the signs of mood swings and forgetfulness because of hormonal changes.
  • Progesterone hormone starts to increase in the body resulting in tenderness and soreness of breasts.
  • Your body now starts to produce the HCG which is known as pregnancy hormone in large quantity which gets double every 48 hours. This is the hormone that is responsible for the positive results in home pregnancy kits. 
  • You might suffer from bloating and nausea too. 


  • It is the best time for taking a home pregnancy kit.
  • It will be a good idea to start taking regular prenatal pregnancy vitamins with folic acid from this week.
  • It is the time to start avoiding caffeine, alcohol, smoking, drugs (if you do), and gluten. Start drinking water at least eight glasses per day.
  • Continue pregnancy yoga and meditation to maintain a healthy body.


Baby’s development:

  • During the fourth week, the embryo forms two layers; the outer layer forms the entire body of the baby, and the inner layer which is temporary, forms a yolk sac, its only function is to provide nourishment for the baby.
  • Development of the circulatory system, limbs, respiratory system, and the digestive system takes place this week.
  • The placenta is formed which transports nutrients, oxygen, and water to the baby.
  • A fluid-filled cushion known as amniotic sac also starts to develop. It will surround and protect the baby during his/her growth.
  • At the end of this week, the baby is now big enough to see on ultrasound but just the size is still smaller than a grain of rice (1/4th inch in length).

Mom’s body changes:

  • You might get to experience frequent mild cramping due to embryo divisions and implantation.
  • The breast will become sorer and more tender.
  • Morning sickness will become more obvious for most of the women as our body undergoes hormonal changes for the development of the baby.


  • Mild cramping is a common but not severe one. So, if you have the case of severe cramping, MUST CONSULT WITH THE DOCTOR.
  • Continue the consumption of folic acid as it prevents various congenital disabilities.
  • It will be a good idea to start wearing loose-fitting and comfortable wear
  • You can start reading books on parenting for knowledge or you can opt for spiritual books too for inner calmness, whatever you like.

Here are the,

Foods you should eat during the first month of the pregnancy:

1. Dairy products like yogurt and milk which are a great source of calcium, vitamin D, healthy fats, and folic acid.

2. Folate-rich foods like citrus fruits, beans, peas, lentils, fortified cereals, and rice- helps in the formation of the neural tube.

3. Whole grains include barley, buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal, bulgur wheat, and millets-rich source of carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamin B-complex and minerals like iron, selenium, and magnesium- essential for baby’s growth and development.

4. Eggs and poultry- the source of proteins, vitamins A, B2, B5, B12, D, E, and K, and minerals such as phosphorus, selenium, calcium, and zinc.

5. Fruits- mostly all except papayas and pineapples- the source of vitamins and antioxidants essential for the healthy growth of the baby in the womb.

6. Vegetables- include broccoli, kale, spinach, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, corn, drumstick, cabbage, eggplants, etc.- a rich source of nutrients.

Foods you should avoid in the first month of pregnancy:

1. Soft cheese- may cause food poisoning.

2. Packaged and processed foods- may cause food poisoning too.

3. Seafood- contains a high level of mercury resulting in a baby’s brain damage.

4. Alcoholic beverages- bad for baby’s development and can cause severe birth defects.

5. Raw or undercooked eggs and meats- it may be contaminated by bacteria, listeria, salmonella, etc. which affects the development of the fetus. 

So, that was the detailed development of your baby and yourself which happens in the first month of the first trimester. To know what happens in the second month of this blissful journey, stay tuned, and follow us on Facebook (HunyHuny - mother & baby care) and Instagram (hunyhuny_india).

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