The Second Month Of Pregnancy : Week 5-8

Posted By: Abhipsa HunyHuny In: Maternity Tips On: Comment: 0 Hit: 3258


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Congratulations on entering into the second month of the first trimester. From now on our baby’s development growth will increase rapidly and you will need various nutrients in abundant quantity too to meet the requirement of our baby in the womb. Now, let's start our pregnancy’s detailed development in the second month i.e., from week 5 to 8, of the first trimester…

second month pregnancy


Baby’s development:

  • The tiny heart tube of our baby starts to beat for the first time. The baby’s heartbeats in this phase with the rate of 65 times in a minute.
  • Formation of three germ layers i.e., ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm, initiates in this week of pregnancy. The ectoderm is responsible for the formation of the nervous system, outer and inner ear, eyes, and connective tissues. The endoderm forms the internal organs like the lungs, bladder, and intestines. The mesoderm for the muscles, bones, reproductive organs, and the kidney.
  • Brain and spinal cord formation from the neural plate also kick off result in increasing of our baby’s head size.
  • At the end of this week, the umbilical cord finishes its preparation and starts to supply blood to the baby from the mother.

Mom’s body changes:

  • Your body will start to show the typical fifth-week symptom that is arching breasts. 
  • This week your body will suffer from the worst case of uneasiness and morning sickness.
  • As the size of the baby increases, your kidney will expand and exert pressure on the urinary bladder, which leads to frequent urination.
  • In a similar manner, the uterus and the other ligaments related to the uterus will also expand, resulting in cramping.


  • If you notice consistent spotting until this week, don’t delay, immediately consult with your doctor.
  • The same goes for cramping, consult with the doctor in case of severe cramping.


Baby’s development:

  • Baby reaches the size of a sweet pea (half of an inch). This increment is the thrice the size of the baby at the beginning of the week.
  • Baby’s heart tube starts to beats in a regular rhythm.
  • The brain hemisphere starts its formation, which can detect as brain waves.
  • The facial features started to emerge with dark circles for eyes and other faint structures.
  • Now, the baby’s heart rate is about 150 times in a minute and you can detect the heartbeat this week.
  • Paddle-like limbs start to move. It can be seen in an ultrasound.
  • Ears start to develop from the folds on the sides of the head.

Mom’s body changes:

  • This week, intense gas and bloating will be your visitors. In the case of starving, bloating and nausea will become severe, always keep quick snack handy all the time like dry fruits or biscuits.
  • Fatigue and weakness will also be in their sever form.
  • Morning sickness will become more frequent and does not stick to the only morning now.
  • Your skin will feel rosy as blood flow increases.
  • You might also experience digestion and heartburn.


  • Recommended continuing the periodic prenatal visit to the doctor as the pregnancy continues.
  • As the baby’s size increases, you should keep up with the nutritional requirement of the baby.


Baby’s development:

  • Baby’s brain becomes more complex as it starts to produce the nerve cells at a rate of 10,000 neurons per minute.
  • Baby starts to move but very slowly, that’s why you can’t feel the movement at this stage.
  • Baby size reaches double the size which was in the sixth week.
  • Teeth and palate in the digestive system become visible by the seventh week.
  • Baby still in tadpole shape.

Mom’s body changes:

  • You will start to have food cravings as well as aversions (disgust) to some kinds of food and smell.
  • Acne and other skin-related problems might start to appear.
  • You will also start to suffer from mood swings and emotional distress.
  • Now, your uterus is double in size of its original. So, urination becomes way more frequent with some difficulty while peeing.


  • You have to be extra careful in the diet while keeping a complete stoppage on smoking and drinking.
  • Never keep your stomach empty. Maintain regularity in food intake. Light and nutritional snacks are highly recommended. Drink water religiously.
  • Ensure the intake of the required amount of protein and carbohydrate-rich food to prevent the drop in the blood sugar level.
  • As the baby is highly prone to anything that might obstruct the growth, a detailed consultation should be done with your doctor.


Baby’s development:

  • More detailed facial features like the nose, ears become prominent. Eyelids begin forming from this week.
  • Baby starts swimming around in the womb as webbed fingers and toes appearing in the limbs.
  • Baby’s heart becomes stronger and healthier by the day.
  • Tadpole-tail of the body will completely disappear by the end of the eighth week.
  • At the end of this week, our baby finally graduated from embryo to fetus.

Mom’s body changes:

  • You will notice a significant increase in your blood pressure as the body generates blood both for yourself as well as for your little one.
  • You will develop a heightened sense of smell which might increase your nausea and uneasiness.
  • Cramping will become more frequent this week as stomach muscles and ligaments will stretch as uterus continue to expand.
  • With the increased anxieties, most women (around 50%) will start to have weird dreams.


  • Now it’s time to change to a more comfortable bra as it averts the shagging and reduces the uneasiness to some extent.
  • Wear stretchable and breathable maternity clothes, it won’t feel you heated. Try HunyHuny’s maternity dress. 
  • Continue your pregnancy yoga and exercise to maintain proper posture and normal functioning of the body. You can also Try HunyHuny Yoga Pants.
  • Forget your high heels and shoes until the baby arrives, choose to wear only flat and comfortable footwear.

Here are the, 

Essential Nutrients you should include in your diet in the second month of the pregnancy:

essential nutrients

1. Folic acid: It helps in protecting the unborn baby from developing neural tube defects (nervous system defects). A daily dose of 5 mg of folic acid is recommended while pregnant or trying to conceive. (ONLY ON DOCTORS CONSULTATION) Green leafy vegetables, pulses, lentils, eggs, fruits, dry fruits, and nuts like almonds and walnuts are a good source of folic acid.

2. Iron: It is very crucial in the fifth-week of pregnancy diet. It helps in the production of blood cells which ensures proper blood supply to will give you the strength to deal with morning sickness and fatigue. Foods rich in iron are fruits, dry fruits, chicken, fish, spinach, beetroot, and fenugreek, etc.

3. Calcium: Deficiency of calcium increases the risk of osteoporosis. Good sources of calcium are turnip, leafy vegetables, and cabbage. So, make sure to include the mentioned vegetables in your diet to meet the required need of calcium.

4. Proteins: Protein is the base of muscle mass development of the baby and it plays a vital role throughout pregnancy, include it in a good amount in your daily diet. Some rich sources of protein are chicken, eggs, milk, and lentils, etc.

5. Zinc: It helps in biological functions. So, make sure to include this in your daily diet. Its sources are chicken, vegetables, and beans.

6. Fats: They are not always bad for the baby. The healthy fat in the form of ghee ensures the healthy growth of the baby. It also helps the development of the eyes, brain, placenta, and tissues which ultimately aids in the overall growth of the baby.

7. Fibers: It is an important nutrient for proper digestion (no constipation). The fiber-rich foods like carrots, cabbage, cereals, oranges, and bananas should be included in your diet to maintain your blood pressure and prevent constipation during pregnancy.

Foods to Avoid in the second month of the pregnancy:

1. Meat spreads: It contains listeria that is harmful during this phase of pregnancy. It hinders the baby’s growth.

2. Soft cheese: This may contain E. Coli bacteria which may result in pregnancy complications. 

3. Raw egg: They might spread the salmonella bacteria through the body triggering a detrimental effect on your body and obstructing the baby’s normal development. Eat them in a boiled or poached form. Avoid semi-cooked and half-boiled too.

4. Raw fish: Various kinds of seafood like prawns, shrimps, crabs, etc., have high mercury content, which is responsible for a miscarriage. 

5. Unpasteurized milk: Never drink unpasteurized milk as it contains micro-organisms, pathogens, and salmonella that are harmful to both your body and baby.

6. Alcohol: Consumption of alcohol during pregnancy leads to severe complications. It is injurious for your health and most importantly it affects the growth of the baby. So, stop drinking alcohol throughout your pregnancy. 

That was the detailed development of your baby and yourself which happens in the second month of the first trimester. We hope these points will help you sail through the period of pregnancy and enjoy this amazing journey with your baby to the fullest! To know what happens in the third month stay tuned and follow HunyHuny.comfollow us on Facebook (HunyHuny - mother & baby care) and Instagram (hunyhuny_india).

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